Beloved pub announces shock closure after 16 years leaving punters devastated

A BELOVED pub has announced its shock closure after 16 years.

Devastated punters dubbed the news “heartbreaking”, but understand “health comes first”.


The Plough in Staining is set to close on March 9Credit: google mapsBEER WE GO Beloved pub announces shock closure after 16 years leaving punters devastated, The Plough at Staining


It has been in business for 16 yearsCredit: google maps

The Plough, in…

A BELOVED pub has announced its shock closure after 16 years.

Devastated punters dubbed the news “heartbreaking”, but understand “health comes first”.

BEER WE GO Beloved pub announces shock closure after 16 years leaving punters devastated, The Plough at Staining


The Plough in Staining is set to close on March 9Credit: google mapsBEER WE GO Beloved pub announces shock closure after 16 years leaving punters devastated, The Plough at Staining


It has been in business for 16 yearsCredit: google maps

The Plough, in…

Beloved pub announces shock closure after 16 years leaving punters devastated …C0NTINUE READING >>>>

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