I feel sick after finding out about my wife’s fling with her mother’s boyfriend

I feel sick after finding out about my wife’s fling with her mother’s boyfriend …C0NTINUE READING HERE>>>

DEAR DEIDRE: SINCE I found out that my wife was once in a relationship with the man who is now her mother’s boyfriend, I’ve felt sick.

I’m finding it impossible to be intimate, and when I try, all I can think about is him touching her. I’m not sure our marriage can ever recover.

I’m 35 and she’s 34. We’ve been married for seven years and have a three-year-old son.

We don’t see her mum, 60, often because we’ve moved 200 miles away, and they have a difficult relationship.

But in…

I feel sick after finding out about my wife’s fling with her mother’s boyfriend …CLICK HERE TO C0NTINUE READING >>>

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