‘Lovely bargain’ cry shoppers as major supermarket slashes price of Quality Street to just 49p

A MAJOR supermarket has slashed the price of Quality Street to just 49p this week.

Aldi has cut the cost of 300g pouches of the popular festive chocolates, dropping them from £1.99 to an incredible 49p.


Shoppers will need to be quick to bag the cheap chocolate as they’re only available…

A MAJOR supermarket has slashed the price of Quality Street to just 49p this week.

Aldi has cut the cost of 300g pouches of the popular festive chocolates, dropping them from £1.99 to an incredible 49p.

Quality Street Pouch (300g) price tag: £0.49.


Shoppers will need to be quick to bag the cheap chocolate as they’re only available…

‘Lovely bargain’ cry shoppers as major supermarket slashes price of Quality Street to just 49p …C0NTINUE READING >>>>

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