Salman Rushie knife attacker found guilty of attempted murder after stabbing brave author in the eye on stage – The Scottish Sun

THE man accused of attempting to kill author Salman Rushie in New York has been found guilty.

Hadi Matar from New Jersey faces a sentence of more than 30 years behind bars for the bloody attack on the British-Indian author that left him with life-changing injuries.


Hadi Matar has been found…

THE man accused of attempting to kill author Salman Rushie in New York has been found guilty.

Hadi Matar from New Jersey faces a sentence of more than 30 years behind bars for the bloody attack on the British-Indian author that left him with life-changing injuries.

Hadi Matar escorted from a courtroom.


Hadi Matar has been found…

Salman Rushie knife attacker found guilty of attempted murder after stabbing brave author in the eye on stage – The Scottish Sun …C0NTINUE READING >>>>

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