Babangida’s long exhale – By Chidi Amuta

A Year in Purgatory - Chidi Amuta

Even after three decades of his untidy retreat to his Minna hometown, Babangida never forget the ‘public’ debts he owed to Nigerians. He owed Nigerian history an expose on his turbulent leadership . He owed the Nigerian populace an insight into his personal enigma and enduring… Babangida’s long exhale – By Chidi Amuta …C0NTINUE READING … Read more

Merry Whatsapp Christmas – By Chidi Amuta

Unhappy New Year - By Chidi Amuta

The same old “Jingle bells! Jingle bells!! Jingle all the way!!!” is  again uniting Christians and non-Christians in the ancient ritual of Christmas.  Ordinarily, Christmas has become synonymous with happiness and family reunion. Kith and kin come together. Food and drinks flow in… Merry Whatsapp Christmas – By Chidi Amuta …C0NTINUE READING >>>>