I’m covered in seborrheic keratoses – can it give you back ache?

I'm covered in seborrheic keratoses - can it give you back ache?

Q: AN seborrheic keratoses give you back ache? My back is covered in it and I’m getting pain from about where my lungs are up to my shoulders. 2 Email your health queries to Dr Zoe Williams at health@thesun.co.ukCredit: Olivia West 2 Seborrheic keratoses are harmless warty spots that tend to appear… Q: AN seborrheic … Read more

Teen, 19, complained of neck rashes that turned out to be worms squirming inside him

Teen, 19, complained of neck rashes that turned out to be worms squirming inside him

A TEENAGER visited a dermatology clinic complaining of an unsightly rash which was later found to be caused by parasitic worms. The 19-year-old boy worked as a beach lifeguard in southern California and had not travelled abroad recently. 1 The rash showed up on his neck because he spent a lot of… A TEENAGER visited … Read more

Six early warning signs of skin cancer you should never ignore as Danielle Lloyd announces shock diagnosis

Six early warning signs of skin cancer you should never ignore as Danielle Lloyd announces shock diagnosis

BRITS have been urged to look out for SIX early warning signs of skin cancer you should never ignore as Danielle Lloyd announces her shock diagnosis. The model, 41, took to Instagram to share her news and begged her followers to never ignore potential symptoms. 5 Experts have urged people to watch… Six early warning … Read more

Man, 19, left bedridden for a YEAR over debilitating skin condition triggered by one ingrown hair

Man, 19, left bedridden for a YEAR over debilitating skin condition triggered by one ingrown hair

AN ex-army officer, 19, was left bedridden for a year over a debilitating skin condition caused by a single ingrown hair. Dylan Conway, from Queensland, Australia, had a whopping nine surgeries and spent 14 months unable to live a normal life due to reoccurring pilonidal sinus disease. 2 Dylan… Man, 19, left bedridden for a … Read more

Dad facing ‘long and painful’ death after noticing his fingers were ‘white as paper’ in the cold

Dad facing ‘long and painful’ death after noticing his fingers were 'white as paper' in the cold

A DAD was given years to live and faces a painful death after noticing his fingers were “paper white” after spending time in the snow. Scott Nell, 47, noticed a painfully cold sensation in his fingers in November 2017, and pulled off his gloves to reveal digits as white as a sheet of paper. Dad … Read more

Victoria Beckham reveals the real reason she never smiled in photos as she opens up about her insecurities

Victoria Beckham reveals the real reason she never smiled in photos as she opens up about her insecurities

Victoria Beckham reveals the real reason she never smiled in photos as she opens up about her insecurities …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> EVEN in the early days of the Spice Girls, Victoria Beckham became known for her sultry, unsmiling presence. But now the fashion designer has revealed that her stern look masked a deep well … Read more